Sunday, April 27, 2014


This is EARTH(part two)! Enjoy!

Gadolin and Samarsky, Everymen of the Elements:

This chapter was called "Gadolin and Samarsky, Everymen of the Elements" and it is about the elements that were named after people. Gadolinium was named after Johan Gadolin in 1880. Samarium was named after Vasili Samarsky in 1879. Curium was named in 1944. In the 1950's Einsteinium, Fermium, Mendelevium, and Nobelium were named at Convention. Gadolinium is used in stereos and speakers. Samarium is used in headphones. These two elements are the greatest representations of the struggle scientists had to endure to free these rare elements.
Picture Work Cited: Samarium,, Wikipedia, 2/16/14

Ytterby Gruva:

This chapter was called "Ytterby Gruva" and it was about the authors earthly elemental journey. He searched all over the earth for these elements, especially in mines and caves. He wanted to know where elements came from. He knew that they made up everything but he wanted to know exactly where to find them. He traveled to Ytterby mine to find answers. He stated that all elements can be found if you know where to look. He found that at this mine it was very different than any other mine he had seen. The soil was different and there was a variety of rocks. He feels a sort of thrill when he things about chemistry even if he does not succeed. 
Picture Work Cited: Ytterby,, Wikipedia, 2/18/14

That is the end of EARTH(part two)! Bye!

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