Sunday, April 20, 2014


Here is BEAUTY(part two)!!!

Inheritance Powder:

This chapter is called "Inheritance Powder" and it is about arsenic. Arsenic is abundant and is essential to humans in many ways. It has been used as medicine, pigments, dyes, glass, and fireworks. It is also a deadly poison. It is an emerald green color and has a blue grey undertone. It is responsible for the death of many people and many rats as well. Access to this element is very restricted now but it was not back then. This however does not stop it from being used to treat leukemia. 
Picture Work Cited: Arsenic,, Component Surfaces Inc., 2014

Rainbows in the Blood:

The next chapter I read was called "Rainbows in the Blood", it is about Vanadium. Vanadium was found to play a large part in the immune system of animals. Vanadium is tougher than steel and was used in the Atomic Bomb project. It was discovered twice and named as a result of its colorful chemistry. It is strong yet brittle and represents immortality. The various vanadium salts created all have different colors which have been preserved up until this very day.
Picture Work Cited: Vanadium,, Wikipedia, 4/17/14

Crushing Emeralds:

This Chapter was called "Crushing Emeralds" and it was about Beryllium. Vauquelin discovered Beryllium after discovering Chromium. It was a sweet tasting metal that glowed with an emerald color. It represented purity and became very popular for its beauty. It looked as if it were a precious stone and many people loved this about it.
Picture Work Cited: Beryllium,, Wikipedia, 4/16/14
That is the end of BEAUTY(part two). Coming up next is BEAUTY(part three)!


  1. Wow I always knew that arsenic was very harmful and used to be used in many household items but I never knew that it is used in the treatment of lukemia.

  2. I can't believe arsenic was used to treat luekemia. I find it cool that vanadium play a large part in the immune system of animals and represents immortality. It's also pretty cool that Beryllium represents purity. I never would have guessed that.
