Sunday, March 23, 2014


POWER (part three) is here!

Power (Part three)

Plutonium Charades

The next chapter in my book is called "Plutonium Charades". Glenn Seaborg was possibly the greatest element discoverer ever. In 1940 he produced plutonium. Curium and americium were produced in 1944. Then in 1949 berkelium and californium were produced, and in 1950 several more elements were produced. The number of elements he produced surpassed many other scientists. Seaborg worked closely with atomic fission and was able to locate element number 94 or plutonium. This element was a crucial element used in the Manhattan Project. August 1943 Seaborg located the first microscopic speck of plutonium and after another year he was able to produce masses of it. Plutonium was a very strange element, in some conditions it could be hard and brittle, while in others it could be soft. It could burn and crumble or it could disintegrate. It is also extremely toxic. So far the only use for this element is atomic bombs, which is why it is so securely guarded. 
Picture Work Cited: Plutonium,, 3/23/14, Nuclear Weapons Archive

Mendeleev's Suitcases

This chapter is called "Mendeleev's Suitcases", it is all about Dmitrii Mendeleev. In 1955 the 101st element on the periodic table was named after Dmitrii Mendeleev. He was the first full-time chemist to be commemorated in this way. He was born in 1834, the last of fourteen children. The creation of the periodic table was along process and arose when Mendeleev tried to figure out an easier way for his students to understand the elements. He placed the elements in order from lightest atomic weight to those of heaviest atomic weight. Many people criticized his early work but, all objections were put to rest when gallium was discovered and it fit right where Mendeleev predicted it would. After this discovery other elements were slowly put in their place as well. Mendelevium was also the first element to be brought into the world atom by atom. It has never been made into quantities visible to the naked eye. 
Picture Work Cited: Mendelevium,, 3/23/14

The Liquid Mirror

The next chapter is called "The Liquid Mirror" it is about Mercury. It has unique properties that allow it to be both liquid and metallic. It was discovered by the Chinese in the red ore cinnabar. It had many uses in Ancient China and was used most extensively by the Chinese. Before the toxic and dangerous effects of Mercury were brought to life it was used for a variety of products such as cosmetics, insecticide, medicine, and dentistry. In July 2011 The European Union banned the export of mercury in an effort to reduce mercury exposure. When mercury and sulfur were combined they created cinnabar.
Picture Work Cited: Mercury, Chris Cherniak,, 11/10/11, Radio Green Earth
Well that's the end of the third and final part of POWER!!! Coming up next is FIRE.

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